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What is Ohio BankPac?

Ohio BankPac is the official bipartisan political action committee of the Ohio Bankers League. The committee, governed by bankers from around the state, represents the collective mutual interests of thousands of Ohio bankers. Ohio BankPac provides both time and financial support to political candidates who work for a positive business and banking environment. Under state and federal law, financial institutions and other corporations cannot contribute directly to political campaigns. Political action committees (PACs) however allow those individuals whose careers are impacted by legislative decisions to voluntarily band together to support elected officials who understand and appreciate the contributions bankers make in their local communities.

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Make a Difference

Ohio BankPac is your opportunity to support those who support our industry. Your contribution, along with the contributions of thousands of other Ohio bankers, creates a collective impact on the political process and works to provide a healthy business environment for financial institutions. Politics is not a spectator sport. Grassroots lobbying and support are vital to both your professional future and the future of the banking industry. Only when we work together can we make a significant positive difference..

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc nibh diam, blandit vitae vehicula dapibus. Fusce
et ornare sapien, non euismod felis. Integer et risus quis arcu totam rem aperiam.

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