What is the Bankers Foundation?
Financial literacy and finding the next generation of great bankers. Two critical issues facing the Ohio banking today.
Survey after survey shows that Americans -- and Ohioans – are struggling when it comes to financial knowledge, painting a disconcerting picture of insufficient savings and growing indebtedness. As we look to the next generation to both compete in the challenging global marketplace and provide the next wave of talent to lead our industry, it is our responsibility to underline the importance of financial health.
Many banks are already supporting financial education initiatives in their own markets or through events like the national Financial Literacy Month. But the OBL saw an opportunity to build a statewide initiative that brings all of Ohio’s banks together to make a more lasting impact.
The Ohio Bankers Foundation is the official 501 (c)(3) philanthropy and community relations division of the OBL. The foundation – through tax deductible and CRA credit worthy donations from member organizations -- will fund programs that will attack the dual threat of financial literacy and a slow talent pipeline. Specifically, the Foundation will roll-out two new initiatives funding financial literacy programs and higher education scholarships.
Please consider investing in the future of your industry today by making a donation to the Ohio Bankers Foundation. To make a donation or for any questions please contact Foundation Executive Director Evan Kleymeyer, at 614-340-7605 or at ekleymeyer@ohiobankersleague.com.
All foundation services will benefit Low to Moderate Income Individuals as defined by the federal bank regulators
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Ohio Bankers Foundation
What is the Bankers Foundation?
The Ohio Bankers Foundation is the official 501 (c)(3) philanthropy and community relations division of the OBL. Through tax deductible donations and Community Reinvestment Act (CRA) credit from member organizations – the foundation supports community initiatives through three pillars: General Contribution, Workforce Development and Homage.
Meet the Board
As a 501 (c)(3) --the foundation services benefit Low to Moderate Income Individuals as defined by the federal bank regulators. Meet the members to learn more about their vision and impact.