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The CFO Forum

The OBL CFO Forum provides an opportunity for bankers to discuss important issues and dissect problems critical to their bank's financial health. The program is professionally led by Tom Hauck and Todd Togrul of FORVIS and encourages the free exchange of ideas and offers opportunities to formulate solutions to current problems. The program offers a rewarding experience for professional and personal growth and will translate positively to your bank's bottom line. CPE credits are also available.

Designed for Discussion

  • Tom Hauck contacts participants before the forum to obtain pressing concerns, questions, or any financial issues currently effecting the banking environment
  • All forum members meet as a group to discuss agenda items with the individual forum members
  • Forum members are then divided into two groups based on bank size and market to ensure that participants have as much in common as possible
  • The Forum meets three times a year and CPE credits are available for attendance at the forum
  • Multiple topics will be discussed at each session; participants are strongly encouraged to suggest their own agenda topics of interest
  • Electronic materials are available for each forum member

Forum Session Dates

Session One:
Wednesday, February 21
Session Two:
Wednesday, May 29
Session Three:
Tuesday, September 18
10AM to 3PM
The Hampton Inn
4150 Stelzer Rd, Columbus, OH
  • Forum Benefits
  • Who Should Attend
  • Discussion Topics
  • Brochure
  • Instructor
  • Promo Video
  • Questions

Benefits of the CFO forum

  • Discuss current industry challenges with other financial officers
  • Learn how other banks are meeting their bank's requirements
  • Form relationships with other financial officers
  • Solve your most pressing problems
  • Learn about other banks examination experiences
  • Preview cutting edge ideas in other banks
  • Forum participants receive the benefit of working with expert consultants on a cost-saving basis

The forum is designed for the following;

  • CEOs
  • CFOs
  • Presidents
  • Fund Managers
  • Those holding positions actively involved in day-to-day financial management activities

These are some examples of the discussion topics that may occur during the course of the forum.

  • CECL
  • Regulatory Hot Buttons
  • Vendor Management
  • Economic Challenges
  • Accounting Pitfalls for CFOs
  • Investment Portfolio Management
  • Liquidity Management
  • Non-interest Income Best Practices
  • Measuring & Monitoring IRR
  • Topic Input from Forum Members
  • Capital Adequacy Stress Testing
  • Capital Planning
  • Controlling Costs
  • Improving Efficiency

Grab the Brochure below

Event Brochure Event Document

Thomas Hauck Director

Tom served as managing director and principal at ProBank Austin until September of 2022. He began his career with the firm as a financial analyst in 1991 and worked in various roles throughout his tenure. On October 1, 2022 ProBank Austin merged with FORVIS, where he is now a Director with his new firm. His primary role is consulting with his bank clients in the areas of asset/liability management, interest rate risk, liquidity risk and investments. He utilizes his experience in working with a diverse client base to assist them in developing strategies for earnings and margin enhancement and risk mitigation. He is also active in strategic planning, banker/ director education and other areas of financial performance. He has served as the facilitator for the OBL CFO Forum since its inception in 2014. He earned a Masters of Business Administration degree from the University of Toledo after having received a Bachelor of Science degree from Eastern Michigan University.

Todd Togrul Director

Todd is a director in FORVIS’ Quantitative Solutions group and has more than 26 years of experience providing financial institutions with an outsourced solution of interest rate risk and liquidity risk management. His experience includes interest rate risk modeling, liquidity stress testing, deposit studies, loan prepayments, fair value, IRR back-testing, and budgeting, as well as IRR benchmarking and IRR assessments.

Have any questions? Contact the PD Team

Sarah Husk
Education Manager | (614)340-7610
Megan Peiffer
Education Specialist | (614)340-7618
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